Welcome to the World

Welcome to the World

Less than two weeks old and he’s already learned how to break free from a swaddle. I can’t get over how tiny this little guy seemed to me compared to my now 18-month old son, even though they were just about the same size at birth. [Show picture...

Presenting Cashew

Does anyone remember that crazy rainstorm two Saturdays ago? We’ve had so much rain that memories of the rainy days are all blending together. Well, let me assure you that the Saturday before Fathers Day was the craziest storm to date this season. At 9 a.m. the...


A few weeks ago, while pushing my son in a swing at the playground, I met another mom as she pushed her son alongside. We ended up chatting about both babies’ cute baby hairdos, my son with his long curls in back and not yet fully grown-in whispy top, her son...