

I had the pleasure to photograph Lauren and her family on Friday. At just under two weeks old, she was already starting to become more alert and awake, but with mom, dad, and grandma’s help, we managed to coax her to sleep to capture some images of her getting...
Introducing Miss Vivienne

Introducing Miss Vivienne

Eight days old. Her name represents New Orleans where her parents met and Haiti where her father served in the Peace Corps. With a little jazz playing in the background to soothe her, she slept through almost the entire photo session, breaking into sweet little sleep...
Twins: Take 4

Twins: Take 4

Mea and Parrish were my fourth set of twins in just over a year, but my first set of newborn twins. I’ve always been impressed by the calm and collected nature of all the moms of multiples I’ve encountered thus far, but I now have even greater appreciation...
Fall boy

Fall boy

I think the peak of autumn foliage occurred the day of this photo session. As I walked up the front stoop of Rachel and Andy’s row house, I couldn’t help but notice the brightly colored fallen leaves blanketing the walkway. Feeling inspired, we brought a...


A few weeks ago, while pushing my son in a swing at the playground, I met another mom as she pushed her son alongside. We ended up chatting about both babies’ cute baby hairdos, my son with his long curls in back and not yet fully grown-in whispy top, her son...