Little porcelain doll

Little porcelain doll

There’s something classic, yet contemporary about these photos of Cecelia. I always ask my clients if they have any handmade blankets or clothing that we can use during the photo session. These hand-knitted items are a perfect example; they add a little...
Stella and the boxer

Stella and the boxer

From the moment I walked in the door and got a warm welcome from the family dog Jackson, I knew that he’d make a great model especially juxtaposed with tiny Stella. Stella felt like a feather in my arms compared to my now 9 month old son. It wasn’t so long...
Launch of new website for Breastfeeding Center

Launch of new website for Breastfeeding Center

For the first four months after my son was born, I frequented the Breastfeeding Center almost weekly. The Center was hosting a support group for new, breastfeeding moms like me. It was an amazing resource for me during a time when I faced a lot of challenges with...
It’s a girl!

It’s a girl!

Colette was my first baby girl shoot. I don’t know what’s up with all the boys, but this little sweetie loved posing for the camera and we got some amazing images as a result. I think this one is a portfolio contender. What do you think? About the...
Teething Baby

Teething Baby

Liam had a lot of pain from teething during our shoot. It’s a tough situation when the star of the show is feeling so lousy, but a cute baby is a cute baby even when he’s crying. Fortunately we got a few smiles too.   About the Photographer and...