
When I first met Benjamin’s parents, they described their little guy as a super smiley baby. On the day of our session, it was clear he wasn’t his usual cheerful self and we decided to call it quits a bit early. His mom told me later that he spiked a high fever shortly after we wrapped up. Even though I knew we captured some lovely pictures of him that morning, I didn’t want mom and dad looking back at the images only to be reminded of how sick Benjamin was that day. So I came back a couple of weeks later for a redo. Sure enough, he proved to have one of the best smiles of any baby I’ve ever photographed with a huge grin in every single picture. Actually the selection of images below are a mix from both the first and second takes, but I don’t think anyone but mom, dad, and me can tell which ones are from the day he wasn’t feeling well.



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