Welcome Baby Wesley

Welcome Baby Wesley

I met baby Wesley when he was just about two weeks old. He was already super alert and was awake most of the time I was photographing him. His wide-open eyes made for some great expressions that I can’t normally capture with newborns. But the HAIR! His...
The Brothers C

The Brothers C

Anyone remember Sleepy Tommy? It’s been a couple of years since I last saw these two adorable brothers, Tommy and Charlie (scroll down to the 3rd photo in the link) . Look how big they’ve gotten!
Next holiday preview

Next holiday preview

Next up, another Rock Creek Park session with family who I last photographed in 2009. I’ve had the pleasure to see them on a regular basis now that our kids are all in the same school. About the Author: Julie Kubal is a child and family portrait artist and...
Holiday Sessions Part 1

Holiday Sessions Part 1

October was a busy month full of fun fall photo sessions (how’s that for an alliteration). Here are the first ones from Rock Creek Park. It’s always great to be reunited with families from past sessions and see little ones growing up and families...
Brother from another mother

Brother from another mother

Took these photos on the sly a while back when we were away on vacation with our dear friends Dan and El as I surprise for El’s birthday. We’ve been through a lot of life’s milestones together: our husbands were college roomies and best men at each...


I had an interesting newborn session recently with baby “Elsie” and family who were back in the US on leave from an assignment abroad. Even though the session couldn’t be done at home, we made the most of the setting, which at least had fantastic...