5 Simple Tips to Improve Your Baby Photography Overnight

5 Simple Tips to Improve Your Baby Photography Overnight

Moms with newborn babies know the deep-seated desire to capture every wink, cry, and yawn on film. We’re dazzled by our babies and entirely smitten by their soft skin and pudgy curves, but when it comes to taking at-home baby photos, something becomes lost in...
Cure for the Camera-Conscious Ladies

Cure for the Camera-Conscious Ladies

  A survey conducted by Dove found that “77% of women feel self-conscious or uncomfortable having their photo taken because they aren’t feeling beautiful.” As a result, women avoid stepping in front to the camera lens and miss out on some of life’s most precious...
How to Choose the Right Photographer for You

How to Choose the Right Photographer for You

If you’re hunting for a newborn or family photographer, you’ve probably found yourself inundated with hundreds of options and a throbbing headache. Which one is right for you? What questions should you ask? How can you separate the hobbyists from the...
When to Schedule your Newborn Portraits

When to Schedule your Newborn Portraits

Are you pregnant and wondering when to schedule your newborn photoshoot? You’re not alone. Even the most hard-hearted among us cannot help but swoon for a perfectly executed newborn portrait. Everyone has their favorite element – whether it’s sparkling eyes...
Part 2 –  How to Organize Print Photos

Part 2 – How to Organize Print Photos

Nothing is more horrifying than standing before a massive pile of disorganized print photos and not knowing how to make neither head nor tail of what you see before you. Should you organize them into albums? Shove them into a photo box? Or light fire to the lot and...