This spring I asked for submissions from readers, looking for a super mom who deserved to win a free mini family photography session in the 2015 Mother’s Day Giveaway. I asked the community for nominations of a Washington D.C. area woman who embodied the super mom title, and all of the remarkable women whose stories were shared blew me away.

Washington DC Family Photography - Erfer Gonen

Jes Erfer’s nomination of friend Courtney Kube won both mothers a complimentary 30-minute photo shoot. Jes’s submission included a charming photo of super mom Courtney, and a moving note on Courtney’s journey as a dedicated and selfless mother and military wife. I was struck by Jes’s words, and grateful for the opportunity to shoot both families.

Washington DC Family Photography - Erfer Gonen

Jes and I first connected last fall when she was looking to set up a mini family photography shoot. However, the timing didn’t work out then. Jes and I have stayed in touch through Facebook, which is how she came across the Mother’s Day Giveaway.

Washington DC Family Photography - Erfer Gonen

I met with Jes, her husband, Michael, and their 19-month-old son, Jack, on a warm evening in during the summer. When they arrived I was thrilled to see how great everyone looked. Before the session, Jes and I had a chance to discuss clothing options for the family, and as I do with all my clients, I had provided some tips on outfit coordination. Mom knocked it out of the park with her fashionable choices, and the family looked both photo ready and comfortable in their pink, blue and neutral tones. We spent the session lounging in my backyard, using the vibrant green space as a backdrop, and providing ample opportunity for Jack to explore.

Washington DC Family Photography - Erfer Gonen

Jes, a natural in front of the camera, was a pro at engaging her busy little man, and along with dad provided endless opportunities for authentic and playful shots of the charming threesome.

Mom hugs her child, overcoming camera shyness

As it turns out, the timing of the mini session couldn’t have been better for the Erfer Gonen family.  Jes, Michael, and Jack were just making preparations to move out of the DC area, and mom and dad were thrilled to capture this exciting time with professional family photographs.

Washington DC Family Photography - Erfer Gonen

The couple looked forward to having the photos as a way to preserve the memory of this special transition and to commemorate the process.

Washington DC Family Photography - Erfer Gonen

Additionally, Jes and Michael looked forward to presenting the family portraits to their beloved nanny as a special parting gift, a wonderful idea that every childcare provider would surely appreciate.

I wish Jes, Michael, and Jack all the best in their new community and home!