Notice something different??
It’s true. This is not my usual blog post, because I’m hoping to provide new kinds of useful content and this is just the first of many new articles that I will be rolling out in the upcoming months.
Tell me what you think in the comments section below!
Staring down the barrel of a photographer’s lens is enough to make anyone a little body conscious. Having worked in Washington DC family photography for more than 6 years, I can confidently say that the only subjects who are never camera shy are the newborns who hardly even know I’m there. Moms in particular can be especially hard on themselves, which is why part of my job is to put them at ease and guide them to the best poses.
Thankfully, there are a number of ways to accentuate your beauty – and none of them involve squeezing into a pair of Spanx or crash dieting for weeks in advance. My experience has also taught me a few slick tricks for finding the most flattering poses and I’m here to share them now with you. If you’ve been a client or taken one of my Snap Happy Class, then you will have heard some of these tips before. Try a few out during your next family portrait session and let me know how they work for you!
Start with good posture
A common command in yoga class is to breath out as you press your shoulders back and down. Do this right before your photo and you’ll achieve nearly perfect posture. (Okay, maybe this isn’t a fair example, because the subject is actually doing yoga.)
Keep your legs together
Yes, your mom was right – you have got to keep your legs together! A wide stance canmake it look as though you’re a linebacker ready to charge thecamera, but by keeping your feet close together – even crossed at the ankles – you’ll achieve a very feminine look.
Work the angles
Slightly tilting your head to the side can make a world of difference in a finished family portrait. Facing the camera front-on runs the risk of producing a rather unpleasant mugshot effect. Try angling your body 45 degrees from thecamera and tipping your head to show a ⅔ view of your face. Then from the hips, turn your chest back toward the camera. Facing the camera head-on always shows your widest view, but turning at as little as a 45 degree angle will slim you from your face to your waist and all the way down.
Lean in
Fight your natural tendency to pull away and instead force yourself to hinge slightly at the hips and lean in towards the camera. This will stretch out your body and will add a sense of curvature and motion to the posture.
Fight the Double Chin
Any woman over the age of 20 knows the horror of the unintentional double chin, particularly when it is captured in a family portrait. Simply lift your chin up and out slightly. You’ll find that this simple trick elongates your neck and defines your jawline, eliminating the threat of the double chin.
Dress for Success
When you’re wearing clothes you love, your body emanates comfort and confidence. Waist lines should let you breath, shirts should not be straight jackets, and hemlines should hide all family secrets…if you know what I mean. Check out my wardrobe tips for family portraits for more style savviness.