My entire workflow came to a grinding halt the other day when upon returning home from a session and attempting to download the images, my computer informed me that there was so little free space on the hard drive that I couldn’t even download a single 4 GB flash card. So instead of proofing the last three sessions, I spent the last several days clearing image files off of my computer and moving them into a permanent archive on one of my many external hard drives. As much as I dislike dealing with this bit of technical housekeeping, it does give me a chance to look back through photos I’ve previously taken and may have forgotten. I came across this little gem that was taken shortly after my son’s first haircut and reminds me that: (1) he’s already grown so much since then; and (2) it’s definitely time to get his hair cut again. I can’t quite remember why he was upset. Probably because he didn’t want to sit on the bench while I took this picture.
This is a wonderful photo!