Seeing Double: Twin Photography at JKP

Seeing Double: Twin Photography at JKP

One of the great photography joys I’ve had over the years is capturing a number of twins on film. It occurred to me a while ago that I’ve photographed them all: identical twins, fraternal twins; newborn twins and twins who are older. What never ceases to...
A Photoshoot with Rachel & Company

A Photoshoot with Rachel & Company

  I recently paid a visit to my friend, Rachel Rosenthal, and her super sweet 7-year-old twin daughters, Ellie and Marin, at their home in Bethesda, Maryland. The purpose of the session was two-fold: to update the family’s photos as well as to create some...
Holiday portraits with the “E” Family

Holiday portraits with the “E” Family

This year I donated four mini-sessions to my son’s school auction and the “E” family placed one of the winning bids. Deciding to beat the Christmas rush, they booked a September session for their holiday portraits in hopes of capturing a photo worthy of...
Another Year with the “E” Family!

Another Year with the “E” Family!

I first met and photographed the “E” Family when sisters, Eve and Sonia, were just under one year old. Last year we were reunited when our kids all started attending the same public charter school and then I had the pleasure of photographing the family...
Looking toward the new year

Looking toward the new year

This is from my last session of the season, in honor of a first birthday that arrives soon after the new year. These lovely ladies might be twins, but they’re just about as opposite as can be. Sonia with blond hair and blue eyes, Eve with light brown hair and...