Over One, Kids, Photo Shoots
What better way to make good use of a tuxedo purchased for a wedding that would otherwise never be needed again: holiday photos! Another fun session at the Franciscan Monastery with Tyler, one of my favorite subjects.
Kids, Photo Shoots, Family
Falling behind in my blog posts again… Here’s the first from a few sessions that I did at the Franciscan Monastery for the holidays with the K Family. Check out how much little brother Adam has grown since last year.
Over One, Photo Shoots, Family
Next up in the “great blog update” is Anna with an amazing, huge, happy smile.
Toddlers, Photo Shoots, Family
I’ve been woefully delinquent in updating my blog in the past couple of months, but I’ve got a lot of fun photos to share to bring the blog up to date. First up is the lovely Lucy! I first photographed her a little less than a year ago. She’s gotten...