Part 1: How to Organize Digital Photos

Part 1: How to Organize Digital Photos

  Digital photos may not take up much space on your family’s hard drive, but I’m willing to bet they are a significant inducer of headaches every time you click over to that pesky “My photos file” on your family computer. I’m no fortune-teller, but I would...
How to Choose the Right Family Photographer

How to Choose the Right Family Photographer

Finding a quality photographer for your family photos can feel like a long, confusing, search in the dark. You’ll have to wade through dozens of websites and photo portfolios as you struggle to communicate what you’re looking for and to identify what sets any one...
Choosing the right time of day for photographing

Choosing the right time of day for photographing

Whether you’re an amateur photographer, a seasoned professional, or a mom who snaps away with a camera from time to time, you probably know that proper photography lighting is crucial. Too much light and your images are washed out, too little and you’re left with...

How to Prepare for a Family Photoshoot

  Preparing for your family’s photoshoot can be a hectic time, particularly for moms who are responsible for wrangling kids, dressing spouses, and somehow getting everyone to the shoot on time. Thankfully, over the years I’ve worked with hundreds of...
Creative Ways to Display Photos in the Home

Creative Ways to Display Photos in the Home

Looking for creative ways to display photos on the walls throughout your home? Here are some of the ideas I recommend to my own clients to get the most out of their family photos. Construct Gallery Wall of Photos Gallery walls are focal points that generally feature...
Auto Mode Rehab: Learning Camera Modes

Auto Mode Rehab: Learning Camera Modes

Photography has become so consumer-friendly that the vast majority of amateur photographers never venture beyond the safe default setting of “auto.” In fact, I would go so far as to say that thousands of people live with “auto mode addiction,” in fear of...