Halloween is behind us and Thanksgiving just a few weeks away. That means the hustle and bustle of the holiday season is upon us. Along with your usual, everyday responsibilities—holiday cards need to go out! If your like me, and every parent I know, this adds even more stress to an already busy time of year.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all of the holiday card options out there. Where do you start? How do you know which printers are good? Will they deliver in a timely fashion? Not to mention, how do you choose from the thousands of layouts and designs?

During a time when your to-do list is already too long, choosing to order your holiday cards through your family photographer makes a lot of sense. Not only do they already have access to all of the images you might wish to use—but they know how to prepare and size the files properly to make sure the images look their absolute best when printed. 

Technical know-how is just one of several reasons I recommend my clients lean on me to help them with their holiday cards. Let’s take a look at four more reasons:

1. Professional Recommendations

When I offer holiday card recommendations to my clients, I have reviewed all their images and taken into account their personal aesthetics. Because I work closely with them, I already have a sense of their taste. I put together ideas for them with a small number of amazing layouts I know they’ll love. They won’t need to find a card vendor, sift through hundreds of designs, and figure out which of their family photos will looks best.

2. Quality Control

As a photographer, I take the printing and design of the photos I take seriously. When I’m in charge of my clients’ holiday card order, I can ensure the printed images, design, and paper quality are topnotch. I have chosen my vendors carefully and have worked with them for many years. I know their cards are of the highest quality available and I know I can trust their services.

holiday card with photo of Washington, DC family

3. Hassle Avoided

This might seem obvious, but adding one more thing to your holiday list can be stressful. On top of that, what to do when things go wrong—print quality is sub par, or other issues with the cards arise? By utilizing your family photographer as your ordering resource, you can avoid all of those problems. If you have any issue with your cards, I can quickly and easily get it resolved. This is critical when time is ticking down.

holiday card with photo of family in Washington, DC

4. Super-Fast

Not only does your family photographer know which designs will work best with your photos, but she can simplify whole process for you from start to finish.

My clients usually love my designs and choose one that I have recommended—they don’t need to mull over hundreds of other options and belabor the decision making process. I can finalize the details and submit the order quickly. Once the order is placed with me, I have a super-fast turnaround—within 2 days I can have their cards ready. Yes, that’s printed AND delivered!

holiday card with photo of family in Washington, DC

As a family photographer, I take your holiday cards and images personally. I will always  have your family’s best interest in mind and want to make sure your cards look their very best. By going through your family photographer to order your holiday cards, you won’t be disappointed.

Julie Kubal family portraits Washington D.C.About the Photographer and Author:

Julie Kubal is a child and family portrait artist and photographer serving Washington DC, Maryland, and Northern Virginia. She is passionate about creating warm and meaningful artwork through modern portraits and lifestyle photography at a location of your choice!