Twins: Take 4

Twins: Take 4

Mea and Parrish were my fourth set of twins in just over a year, but my first set of newborn twins. I’ve always been impressed by the calm and collected nature of all the moms of multiples I’ve encountered thus far, but I now have even greater appreciation...
Fall boy

Fall boy

I think the peak of autumn foliage occurred the day of this photo session. As I walked up the front stoop of Rachel and Andy’s row house, I couldn’t help but notice the brightly colored fallen leaves blanketing the walkway. Feeling inspired, we brought a...
Welcome to the World

Welcome to the World

Less than two weeks old and he’s already learned how to break free from a swaddle. I can’t get over how tiny this little guy seemed to me compared to my now 18-month old son, even though they were just about the same size at birth. [Show picture...
Little porcelain doll

Little porcelain doll

There’s something classic, yet contemporary about these photos of Cecelia. I always ask my clients if they have any handmade blankets or clothing that we can use during the photo session. These hand-knitted items are a perfect example; they add a little...
It’s a girl!

It’s a girl!

Colette was my first baby girl shoot. I don’t know what’s up with all the boys, but this little sweetie loved posing for the camera and we got some amazing images as a result. I think this one is a portfolio contender. What do you think? About the...