Twins: Take 4

Twins: Take 4

Mea and Parrish were my fourth set of twins in just over a year, but my first set of newborn twins. I’ve always been impressed by the calm and collected nature of all the moms of multiples I’ve encountered thus far, but I now have even greater appreciation...


I met Tyler and his lovely parents a couple of weeks ago. Isn’t he a cutie pie? What an easy going baby – he was a pleasure to photograph. This was another session photographed during that first warm weekend of the season so we headed out into the...
Chillin’ on the front stoop

Chillin’ on the front stoop

For several months now, my son has been waking up before the crack of dawn. I’m talking 5 a.m., maybe as late as 5:45 on a good day. He’s otherwise a great sleeper, napping about 2 hours a day at a consistent time and going to bed at night around 7 p.m....
Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning

In honor of spring’s triumphant arrival, I’ve decided to start blogging again! The great weather seems to have inspired people to get their sessions scheduled so I’m looking forward to a busy season. The first order of business in the spring cleaning...
Fall boy

Fall boy

I think the peak of autumn foliage occurred the day of this photo session. As I walked up the front stoop of Rachel and Andy’s row house, I couldn’t help but notice the brightly colored fallen leaves blanketing the walkway. Feeling inspired, we brought a...
My guy

My guy

I can’t remember the that last time I posted new photos of my little guy who is already 19 months old!! For those of you wondering what he looks like as a toddling toddler, these are from the other day at one of our favorite little playgrounds, Westminster Park....