Hanging Out with the Gray Siblings

Hanging Out with the Gray Siblings

I love it when I’m gifted the opportunity get to know a family through multiple sessions in a year. Not only is it a joy for me to be a witness to the many transformations the children go through in a year, but it allows the kids to get to know me, too. When kids are...
Sibling Photos for the Wisniewski Family

Sibling Photos for the Wisniewski Family

Parents always want to capture fun-loving photos of siblings together and it’s meant with the best intentions at heart. Jessica (Mom) attended my Snap Happy class in September at the Breastfeeding Center and wanted to capture some great shots of her kids. She’d had...
Multigenerational Photos for the Fargis Family

Multigenerational Photos for the Fargis Family

Multigenerational photos can be a wonderful way to embrace the overflowing love in a family. The Fargis family session was a joy to capture on film because of all the unique characters who participated and their differing personalities and style.   We got...
Best-Bellemore Family Session

Best-Bellemore Family Session

Working with the Best-Bellemore’s is always a pleasure. I was first introduced to this beautiful family by another client, Meg Poole, a couple of years ago. Meg and Myra work together and naturally, their kids are buddies, too. Thank you, Meg! We last did a holiday...
Newborn Photo Shoot Tips for Moms

Newborn Photo Shoot Tips for Moms

Brand new babies are a sight to behold; not to mention, cuddle, kiss, and snuggle. Of course, when it comes to capturing these little darlings on film, it may bring some stress or concerns to a new momma. Let me assure you; together, we’ll make your newborn photo...